E-ISSN 2962-8555
P-ISSN 2964-3244
Articles submitted to the Logistica Journal will be reviewed by the editor in their own style within approximately 1 week. From the format review process, it will continue with a review process by the Journal Logistica review team. In this case it takes about 1 - 2 months.
The article review process uses Blind Peer Review.
Articles will be checked for authenticity before publishing in the Logistica Journal. The plagiarism checker software that Journal Logistica uses is TURNITIN with a maximum similarity percentage of < 35%.
If the article is declared accepted, the author does not need to make revisions. However, if the article is declared accepted with revisions, the author must correct the article according to the results of the review and return it to the editorial team via Jorrnal Logistica within 1 - 2 weeks
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