JURNAL LOGISTICA https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica <p><strong>Logistica Journal</strong> is a publication of scientific articles in the scientific discipline of Industrial Engineering which includes logistics and supply chain management, manufacturing, ergonomics and work safety. This journal is published twice a year, namely June and December. Logistica accepts scientific articles from good quality research from researchers, lecturers and students based on the results of reviews from Bestari partners. Submitted articles must be free of plagiarism and must follow a layout that matches the Logistica journal template.</p> en-US sadiq@iteba.ac.id (Sadiq Ardo Wibowo, S.T., M.T) yopi@iteba.ac.id (Yopy Mardiansyah, S.Pd.,M.Si) Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:16:05 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PERANCANGAN STASIUN KERJA BARU UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS KERJA PADA HOME INDUSTRY SHUTTLECOCK https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/316 <p>Salah satu jenis olahraga yang sangat digerami oleh seluruh kalangan adalah Badminton / Bulu Tangkis. Untuk melakukan olahraga ini yaitu membutuhkan raket dan shuttlecock. Karena permintaan shuttlecock yang semakin meningkat, maka banyak terdapat home industry yang memulai pembuatan shuttlecock, salah satunya adalah Home Industry Shuttlecock yang ada di Lamongan. Proses produksi pembuatan shuttlecock diantaranya adalah proses pemasangan bulu, proses penjahitan, proses pelurusan bulu, proses pemotongan bulu, proses pengeleman, dan proses inspeksi. Pada penelitian ini melibatkan 6 operator dan menggunakan kamera video handphone untuk merekam proses pembuatannya. Setelah ini diuraikan berdasarkan gerakan kerja dan dihitung waktunya menggunakan stopwatch. Setelah dilakukan penelitian didapatkan bahwa stasiun kerja yang diterapkan masih berantakan dan kurang rapi sehingga perlu dilakukan perbaikan. Maka dari itu hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perbaikan stasiun kerja yang sesuai dan bisa diterapkan di kemudian hari dengan tujuan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas para operator di Home Industry Shuttlecock.</p> Dianda Aryntya Firia Ferlania, Rana Atikah Ardlianti Copyright (c) 2024 Dianda Aryntya, Rana Atikah Ardlianti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/316 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APLIKASI METODE ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS DALAM SELEKSI KONTRAKTOR SPESIALIS DI PT. XYZ https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/311 <p>Dalam era industri yang berkembang pesat, efisiensi dan efektivitas operasional menjadi kunci bagi PT. XYZ adalah perusahaan pembangkit tenaga listrik berusaha meningkatkan kualitasnya untuk menjamin ketersediaan penyaluran listrik dan uap kepada pelanggan dengan menjaga kesinambungan operasional mesin pembangkitan. Salah satu caranya dengan melaksanakan overhaul mesin boiler dan turbin yang harus diselesaikan tepat waktu (on time schedule), maka harus dikerjakan oleh kontraktor spesialis yang kompeten. Penelitian ini terkait seleksi dan evaluasi kontraktor spesialis yang pernah melaksanakan overhaul di PT. XYZ bertujuan memilih kontraktor terbaik, dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) sebagai sistem pendukung keputusan terbaik. Data penelitian berupa nilai pembobotan atas beberapa kriterima yang telah ditetapkan terhadap beberapa kontraktor. Penilaian dilakukan oleh internal perusahaan, yaitu jajaran manajemen, team maintenance, dan supervisor lapangan yang telah berpengalaman menangani overhaul. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam seleksi kontraktor spesialis di PT. XYZ lebih mengutamakan karakteristik kualitas dengan nilai pembobotan tertinggi dibanding&nbsp; karakteristik lainnya yaitu 0.42, dan yang terendah adalah karakteristik kerjasama dengan pembobotan 0.12, sedang karakteristik manajerial dan biaya dinilai serata pembobotannya, yaitu sebesar 23. Terpilih sebagai kontraktor terbaik adalah PT. NWI dengan nilai prioritas global (Overall Composite Weight) sebesar 0.36, kemudian PT. CMS dengan nilai 0.34, PT. TJ dengan bobot prioritas 0.27, serta terakhir PT. KDS dan PT CAS dengan bobot prioritas sebesar 0.26.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Budiharjo Copyright (c) 2024 Budi Harjo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/311 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS PENGENDALIAN PERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU PAKAN TERNAK DENGAN METODE EOQ PADA SAPI JUARA FARM https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/305 <p>Sapi Juara Farm is an entity in the livestock sector focused on the production of fresh milk. Its production process heavily<br>relies on the availability of animal feed. Currently, the feed inventory management at Sapi Juara Farm has not achieved<br>maximum efficiency due to internal policies. To enhance efficiency, the company is considering the implementation of the<br>Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method. This study aims to evaluate feed inventory management by comparing the<br>current policy with the EOQ method. The research findings indicate that the EOQ method is more effective in managing<br>inventory, reducing the ordering frequency from 48 to 24 times per year, and decreasing the total inventory cost from IDR<br>6,522,458 to IDR 5,237,366. Additionally, a safety stock of 530 kg is required to ensure smooth production.</p> Muhammad Akbar Husain, Roby Andika, Aldivo Anugraha, Raden Fadhilla Salsabila, Reyhani Intan Sabrina, Safira Kencana Putri, Khoirul Aziz Husyairi, Tina Nur Ainun Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Akbar Husain, Roby Andika, Aldivo Anugraha, Raden Fadhilla Salsabila, Reyhani Intan Sabrina, Safira Kencana Putri, Khoirul Aziz Husyairi, Tina Nur Ainun https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/305 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PENENTUAN KELAYAKAN ASPEK FINANSIAL USAHA FUTSAL X DI KOTA BATAM https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/304 <p>One promising business opportunity is the futsal field business, in line with the increasing popularity of this sport in Indonesia. However, before deciding to open a futsal field business, it is important to analyze the financial feasibility of the business first. Financial feasibility analysis is the process of assessing and evaluating the financial aspects of an investment or business plan to determine whether the investment is feasible or not from a financial perspective. This analysis is very important for evaluating the financial prospects of a business plan before deciding to implement it. Analysis of the feasibility of the planet futsal field business from a financial aspect shows that this business is feasible to run by meeting the criteria of the various assessment methods used. The results of the Net Present Value (NPV) analysis are positive at IDR 38,812,042, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 7% which is greater than the required rate of return, the Payback Period is 9 months, and the multi-product Break Even Point (BEP) is shows the minimum number of rental hours that must be met per operational hour so that the business does not experience losses.</p> Citra Indah Asmarawati, Joel Alexander Sidabutar, Sadiq Ardo Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 Citra Indah Asmarawati, Joel Alendaer Sidabutar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/304 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 TINGKATKAN EFISIENSI PRODUKSI DALAM INDUSTRI MENENGAH GARMEN MELALUI PENERAPAN OPERATION PROCESS CHART (OPC) https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/303 <p>In a rapidly evolving industrial era, operational efficiency and effectiveness have become key for companies to compete in the global market. This study focuses on enhancing production efficiency in the medium-sized garment industry through the implementation of process flow mapping and Value Stream Mapping (VSM). The research identifies wastage in the production process within the production division at CV. S.G and offers solutions to optimize the workflow. The results indicate that employee training and workflow reorganization can significantly increase productivity. Implementing proposed changes in the workflow activities resulted in a 30.77% decrease in total processing time, demonstrating increased efficiency and productivity. This study provides evidence that by understanding and optimizing the production flow process, medium-sized garment industries can enhance their competitiveness in the global market.</p> Daonil, Ade Irpan Sabilah Copyright (c) 2024 irvand sabilah, Mr. Daonil https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/303 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMALISASI BIAYA PENDISTRIBUSIAN PRODUK TAUGE MOYASHI PADA CV SUMBER URIP FARM MENGGUNAKAN MODEL TRANSPORTASI https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/302 <p>Sufarm is an agricultural company that has been established since 1996. Currently, Sufarm focuses on supplying various high-quality bean sprouts and mushrooms to consumers and meeting the needs of the B2B market such as E-commerce, traditional markets, restaurants, and supermarkets. The bean sprout products are placed in Sufarm's warehouses located in two different places, namely Parung and Cihowe, which will be distributed to three agents. The delivery of bean sprout products by Sufarm is carried out using land transportation in the form of pickup trucks. The issues faced by Sufarm include scheduling, routes, delivery distances, and delivery costs that are considered suboptimal. This results in irregular delivery routes, schedules, and distances, leading to high distribution costs. Therefore, this research aims to determine the optimal delivery routes based on the distribution costs. Shipping costs are calculated based on the distance between the warehouse and the agents using 3 transportation models, namely the Least Cost method, the North West Corner method, and Vogel’s Approximation Method. The results of the distribution cost calculation using the Least Cost method is Rp268.889, the North West Corner method is Rp225.556, and Vogel’s Approximation method is Rp268.889.</p> Salma Putri Dewati, Fani Latfiana Khoerunnisa, Falia Salsabilasani, Farhan Zhafir, Khoirul Aziz Husyairi, Tina Nur Ainun Copyright (c) 2024 Farhan Zhafir, Salma, Fani , Falia, Khoirul, Tina https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/logistica/article/view/302 Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000