The Influence of Post Frequency and Type of Platform Used on Follower Interest Levels


  • Nabila Azzahra Institut Teknologi Batam
  • Bulan Purnama Utami Institut Teknologi Batam
  • Adamsyam Arrafi Institut Teknologi Batam
  • Vitri Aprilla Handayani Institut Teknologi Batam



Platform; Sicial Media; TikTok; Instragram


This study examines the influence of social media platform types and posting frequency on the level of follower interest in a content creator's account. The analysis results show that the type of platform (Instagram or TikTok) does not have a significant impact on follower interest. However, posting frequency is proven to have a substantial influence, with weekly frequency showing the most positive impact. The interaction between platform type and posting frequency does not demonstrate a significant effect. These findings suggest that content creators can focus on adjusting their posting frequency, particularly with a weekly schedule, to increase follower interest, without needing to worry about choosing between Instagram or TikTok platforms.


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How to Cite

Azzahra, N., Utami, B. P., Arrafi, A., & Handayani, V. A. (2024). The Influence of Post Frequency and Type of Platform Used on Follower Interest Levels. JURNAL SINTAK, 3(1), 43–47.