Ergonomis; Postur kerja; REBA;Abstract
Data collected was data on workers’ injury complaints, photo data on work positions. The data collection was carried out by filling out questionnaires, conducting analysis in terms of ergonomics consisting of the active involvement of workers in the process of indentifying risk factors in the workplace to choose the right solution for these problems, and measuring the dimensions of the workers’ bodies. Based on the results of the REBA score which received a score which received a score of 9, that there is a high potential risk of fatique or mechanical injury. To reduce this risk, several suggestions for improvement can be made such as analyzing the tasks that must be carried out by mechanics and looking for ways to reduce unnecessary physical loads. To find out the mechanics’ awareness of their health, after conducting interviews with the mechanics about their understanding of the mechanics’ health, they can then understand the importance of maintaining health, have healthy habits, and know the ways that can be done to maintain the health of the mechanics.
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- 2023-08-13 (2)
- 2023-08-09 (1)
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