Jurnal Tiyasadarma https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/tiyasadarma <p><strong>Jurnal Tiyasadarma </strong>merupakan publikasi artikel – artikel ilmiah pada segala disiplin keilmuan yang mencakup <em>Education, Social, Human resource development, Appropriate technology and innovation, Human development and national competitiveness, Small and medium enterprises development</em>. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun yaitu bulan Juli dan Januari. Jurnal Tiyasadarma menerima artikel ilmiah dari pengabdian masyrakat yang berkualitas baik dari dosen, dan mahasiswa berdasarkan hasil review dari mitra bestari. Artikel yang masuk harus bebas plagiat dan harus mengikuti <em>layout</em> yang sesuai dengan template jurnal Tiyasadarma. Template bisa didownload melalui link Tiyasadarma Template DOC ini.</p> LPPM ITEBA en-US Jurnal Tiyasadarma 3021-7644 Workshop Perancangan Augmented Reality visual kelautan di SMK Kartini Batam https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/tiyasadarma/article/view/318 <p>Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi positif kepada SMK Kartini Batam melalui penyelenggaraan workshop perancangan Augmented Reality (AR) visual kelautan. Workshop ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan siswa dalam pemanfaatan teknologi AR untuk memvisualisasikan informasi kelautan secara interaktif. Dengan melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan praktis dan proyek perancangan AR, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan minat mereka terhadap bidang kelautan serta membuka peluang karir di sektor teknologi dan ilmu kelautan. Workshop ini akan dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan tenaga ahli dan praktisi yang berpengalaman dalam pengembangan AR. Materi workshop mencakup pengenalan konsep dasar AR, penerapan teknologi AR dalam konteks kelautan, serta panduan praktis untuk merancang dan mengembangkan proyek AR. Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga akan memfasilitasi diskusi dan kolaborasi antara siswa, guru, dan para pembicara untuk mendorong ide-ide kreatif dalam mengaplikasikan AR untuk memecahkan masalah atau menyampaikan informasi seputar kelautan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak positif dalam meningkatkan literasi teknologi dan pemahaman tentang kelautan di kalangan siswa SMK Kartini Batam.</p> Dinda Okta Dwiyanti Ridwan Gucci Muhammad Adi Sukma Nalendra Ria Sapitri Hendri Kremer Karlina Khairunnisaa Ferdy Septiandi Assaidatul Husna Copyright (c) 2024 Dinda Okta Dwiyanti Ridwan Gucci, Muhammad Adi Sukma Nalendra, Ria Sapitri, Hendri Kremer, Karlina Khairunnisaa; Ferdy Septiandi , Assaidatul Husna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 2 1 1 8 10.62375/jta.v2i1.318 Community Empowerment: Implementasi Mitigasi Bencana Dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran Pada Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/tiyasadarma/article/view/333 <p><em>Disaster resilience is being implemented by transferring knowledge about potential disasters in the surrounding areas, mitigation strategies, and information sources to teachers and students in schools, aimed at enhancing community capacity to support Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar. The Community Service Program (CSP) team presented information about potential disasters in the Province of Jambi, illustrated maps of potential disaster areas, and demonstrated the use of InaRisk. Evaluation was conducted through surveys after the activity to assess the level of understanding among teachers and students regarding disasters and participant attendance surveys were also conducted. The CSP activities achieved an average attendance rate of 96.15% of registered participants. The results showed that participants' knowledge regarding potential disasters in Jambi City and Province was considered good after participating in this activity, with an average score of 4,53. This reflects the values of Pancasila, which is a goal of the Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar.</em></p> Ichy Lucya Resta Juventa Jarot Wiratama Copyright (c) 2024 Ichy, Juventa, Jarot Wiratama https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 2 1 9 14 10.62375/jta.v2i1.333 Sosialisasi Pengelolaan Sampah Mandiri Melalui Kegiatan Pemberdayaan RT Menuju Lingkungan Bersih dan Produktif Di Kota Batam https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/tiyasadarma/article/view/334 <p><strong>Independent waste management in Batam City through empowering neighbourhood is a strategic solution to overcome the challenge of increasing waste volume, with a comprehensive approach that includes outreach, technical implementation and multi-party collaboration. This program aims to transform society's paradigm towards waste, from mere waste to a valuable resource, while encouraging active participation by citizens in creating a clean and productive environment. To increase community awareness and capacity at the neighbourhood level in Batam City in managing waste independently, effectively and sustainably, so as to create a clean and productive environment through a community empowerment approach. This activity was in partnership with selected neighbourhood, involving a total of 20 participants consisting of neighbourhood administrators and resident representatives. Implementation methods include introductory seminars, practical workshops, environmental cadre training, and implementation of pilot projects in selected neighbourhood, with data collection through pre-post surveys, field observations, and in-depth interviews with key participants. Program evaluation is carried out through analysis of changes in waste volume, level of citizen participation, and the economic impact of independent waste management activities. Community service activities focus on socializing independent waste management through empowering neighbourhood in Batam City, involving situation analysis, material development, environmental cadre training, and implementation in selected neighbourhood. This program succeeded in increasing awareness and participation of citizens in waste management, with concrete results in the form of reducing the volume of waste going to TPS by 50% in six months, increasing citizens' understanding by 80%, and creating additional income from the sale of compost and recycled products. The socialization program for independent waste management based on neighbourhood empowerment in Batam City has shown significant success in increasing public awareness, reducing waste volume and creating economic value, so it has the potential to be replicated in other areas.</strong></p> Citra Indah Asmarawati Sadiq Ardo Wibowo Copyright (c) 2024 Citra Indah Asmarawati, Sadiq Ardo Wibowo https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 2 1 15 24 10.62375/jta.v2i1.334 Manajemen Data Produksi Barang di PT. Tirta Gemilang Rahayu Menggunakan Jurnal Mekari https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/tiyasadarma/article/view/336 <p><em>The financial transaction and inventory data management system at PT. Tirta Gemilang Rahayu is still manual, leading to data management inefficiency. This prompted the need for staff training in managing inventory data digitally using Jurnal Mekari. This activity aims to assist PT. Tirta Gemilang Rahayu staff in managing the company's inventory data digitally using Jurnal Mekari.&nbsp; This activity was conducted at PT. Tirta Gemilang Rahayu, involving 2 company staff and 3 Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama internship students. The methods used in this activity were lectures and practice sessions. The community service activity conducted at PT. Tirta Gemilang Rahayu demonstrated the effectiveness of implementing Jurnal Mekari in enhancing inventory data management efficiency and effectiveness. This, in turn, contributes to the smooth operation of the company.</em></p> Mahfuz Hudori Alifia Azzahra Yesi Verdiana Sari Nuraini Nuraini Copyright (c) 2024 Mahfuz Hudori, Alifia Azzahra, Yesi Verdiana Sari, Nuraini Nuraini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 2 1 25 29 10.62375/jta.v2i1.336 Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Marketplace Go Market untuk UMKM di Kota Batam Bekerjasama dengan PT Pundi Mas Berjaya https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/tiyasadarma/article/view/344 <p>The utilization of marketplace platforms is becoming increasingly popular and effective in the era of digitalization, helping SMEs to enhance their marketing focus and product sales. Marketplaces provide opportunities for business actors to expand their market reach and increase sales. The design and development of the marketplace information system named Go Market aims to assist PT Pundi Mas Berjaya in providing software solutions for the SME market. The development method for the Go Market application involves stages of Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Testing. The implementation schedule runs from January to May. The creation of the Marketplace, system implementation, and system testing are conducted in collaboration with PT Pundi Mas Berjaya. The results include the development of the Go Market application using the Laravel framework, which can be used to expand the SME market. The implementation of the marketplace system involves user-side and admin features, along with system testing to ensure optimal performance. The application's backend operates well, providing an efficient solution for data processing, with hopes for continuous development in the future. The output takes the form of an application that will be utilized by PT Pundi Mas Berjaya in enhancing users' understanding and skills in leveraging technology for SMEs. This project successfully developed the Go Market application with a well-functioning backend. All functionalities can assist users in processing sales data more efficiently.</p> Stefanus Eko Prasetyo Germen Basri Copyright (c) 2024 Stefanus Eko Prasetyo, Germen Basri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 2 1 30 41 10.62375/jta.v2i1.344 Pengembangan Produk Olahan Frozen Food dan Bantuan Sosial di Yayasan Almani, Kota Batam https://journal.iteba.ac.id/index.php/tiyasadarma/article/view/345 <p><strong>Kesenjangan sosial yang lebar menunjukkan bahwa banyak masyarakat yang membutuhkan intervensi untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka. Peningkatan taraf hidup dapat dilakukan dengan membuat usaha. Produk frozen food dipilih sebagai fokus utama karena memiliki prospek pasar yang baik dan proses produksinya dapat dilakukan dengan alat sederhana, menjadikannya pilihan yang tepat untuk masyarakat marginal. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat marginal dengan memberikan pelatihan dan dukungan yang diperlukan untuk memulai dan mengembangkan usaha makanan beku. Mitra kegiatan adalah Yayasan Almani Kota Batam, melibatkan 30 peserta dalam program ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah untuk memberikan pengetahuan teoretis. Selain itu, praktik secara langsung juga diterapkan untuk memastikan pemahaman dan keterampilan peserta. Program pelatihan pengembangan produk frozen food yang komprehensif telah berhasil meningkatkan keterampilan dan pengetahuan masyarakat. Selain itu, program bantuan sosial yang mencakup distribusi bantuan pangan untuk masyarakat yang kurang mampu, telah membantu memenuhi kebutuhan dasar mereka dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup secara keseluruhan. Program pengembangan produk prozen food dan bantuan sosial yang dilaksanakan oleh Yayasan Almani di Kota Batam telah memberikan dampak positif yang signifikan pada masyarakat</strong></p> Eryd Saputra Tirta Mulyadi Wahyudi Ilham Miratia Afriani Copyright (c) 2024 Eryd Saputra, Tirta Mulyadi, Wahyudi Ilham, Miratia Afriani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-26 2024-07-26 2 1 42 47 10.62375/jta.v2i1.345