Jurnal Tiyasadarma 2025-01-31T11:18:58+00:00 Yopy Mardiansyah, S.Pd., M.Si Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Tiyasadarma </strong>merupakan publikasi artikel – artikel ilmiah pada segala disiplin keilmuan yang mencakup <em>Education, Social, Human resource development, Appropriate technology and innovation, Human development and national competitiveness, Small and medium enterprises development</em>. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun yaitu bulan Juli dan Januari. Jurnal Tiyasadarma menerima artikel ilmiah dari pengabdian masyrakat yang berkualitas baik dari dosen, dan mahasiswa berdasarkan hasil review dari mitra bestari. Artikel yang masuk harus bebas plagiat dan harus mengikuti <em>layout</em> yang sesuai dengan template jurnal Tiyasadarma. Template bisa didownload melalui link Tiyasadarma Template DOC ini.</p> Pelatihan Pembuatan Kerupuk Berbahan Dasar Produk Lokal Tepung Sagu Pada Petani Sagu di Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti 2025-01-24T07:19:00+00:00 Delia Meldra Meldra Yopy Mardiansyah <p><em>The high national demand for sugar makes Indonesia very dependent on imports of cane sugar. Alternative products are urgently needed to reduce dependence on imported cane sugar, and one product that has potential is sago sugar. Currently, sago sugar is starting to be developed, one of which is in Sungai Tohor Village, Tebing Tinggi Timur District, Meranti Islands Regency. The aim of the service is to identify the process of processing sago into sago sugar, provide knowledge about the enzymes α-amylase and β-glucoamylase and their applications, provide enzyme packages that act as a binder as one of the factors in making sugar, reactivate production, teach e-commerce promotion, and recommend suggestions regarding the development of sago sugar products. The method or approach used in this activity is a participatory approach. This approach is a practice of communicative, transactive, advocative and collaborative planning theories. In carrying out this service, it was carried out well, from the delivery of materials, procurement of enzyme packages, manufacturing processes, and making attractive sago sugar packaging. Delivery of service material is done online with several constraints of funds, time, distance, energy, and conditions that do not allow service members to go back and forth in one day or stay overnight in the area, and considering that the process of making sago sugar will also take a long time. The enzyme package is the biggest expense in this service, considering that the price of this enzyme is very expensive. Meanwhile, the process of making sago sugar takes a relatively long time, around 3 or 4 days. The use of the enzymes α-amylase and β-glucoamylase in the process of making sago starch into sago sugar among sago farmers in Meranti Islands Regency got good results in the form of understanding the manufacture and use of enzymes, providing enzyme packages to sago processing entrepreneurs, good sago sugar production results, and produce attractive packaging that can be profitable.</em></p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Delia Meldra Meldra, Yopy Mardiansyah Pengenalan Teknologi Digital Berbasis Bencana untuk Mencapai Disaster Resilience bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar 2025-01-20T02:05:36+00:00 Ichy Lucya Resta Husnul Hamdi Yoza Fendriani Fernando Mersa Putra Maulina Tanjung <p><em>The urgency of introducing disaster-based digital technology to elementary school students is increasing along with the rising frequency and intensity of natural disasters in Indonesia, particularly in Kerinci Regency. The lack of students' understanding about disaster risks and their mitigation could hinder the achievement of disaster resilience at the community level. The activity was conducted at SDN 48/III Sungai Jambu, Kerinci Regency, involving 20 students. The method used was technology-based learning with a participatory approach, engaging students in discussions, simulations, and the use of the application to understand disaster risks in their surrounding environment. Evaluation was carried out using a survey to assess students' satisfaction with the activity and changes in their understanding of disaster-related topics. Survey results showed that most students were satisfied with the activity and found it beneficial in improving their knowledge of disaster mitigation. Additionally, students demonstrated a better understanding of mitigation measures after participating in the activity. The use of digital technology in disaster education proved to be effective in building awareness and disaster preparedness among students. This activity can serve as a model for enhancing disaster education in other schools, especially in disaster-prone areas.</em></p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ichy Lucya Resta, Husnul Hamdi, Yoza Fendriani, Fernando Mersa Putra, Maulina Tanjung Edukasi Fisika: Pembuatan Es Krim Menggunakan Metode Contextual Teaching and Learning 2025-01-20T10:27:03+00:00 feri iskandar Okimustava <p><em>The low level of scientific literacy in society and the perception of physics as a difficult subject to understand pose significant challenges in enhancing public comprehension and engagement with science. Addressing these challenges requires a contextual learning approach that links physics concepts to everyday activities, enabling the community to better understand and apply scientific knowledge. This program aimed to improve public understanding of physics concepts through a contextual approach applied to ice cream-making activities, while also equipping participants with practical skills that are both educationally and economically beneficial. The activity was attended by 11 participants, mostly housewives from Mekar Sari Housing Complex, Sekupang District, Batam City. Conducted at the Posyandu facility, the program utilized the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach, incorporating education sessions, demonstrations, hands-on ice cream making, and reflective discussions. Data collection was carried out through direct observations and Likert-scale-based pre-test and post-test questionnaires to measure participants’ understanding, skills, motivation, and creativity.</em></p> <p><em>The results indicated an increase in participants' understanding of physics concepts, with the average pre-test score of 58% rising to 93% in the post-test. The program also successfully enhanced participants’ motivation and creativity in applying physics concepts to everyday life. Positive feedback from participants suggested the sustainable application of the knowledge gained, particularly in home-based ice cream-making activities. This activity effectively improved participants' understanding of physics concepts, motivation, and creativity through a contextual approach based on ice cream-making, providing sustainable educational and practical benefits.</em></p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 feri iskandar, Okimustava Alih Teknologi Pengolahan Pasca Panen Kopi Arabica Karo Dalam Peningkatan Produksi dan Pengemasan Menuju standarisasi Ekspor 2025-01-20T10:16:10+00:00 Rezha Destiadi Annalisa Sonaria Hasibuan Muhammad Anhar Pulungan Nofriadi Andi Supriadi Chan <div> <p class="ABSTRAKTITLE"><span lang="EN-US">Plantation commodities are one of the largest contributors to Indonesia's foreign exchange. In 2019, the total value of plantation exports reached IDR 359.14 trillion. As the fourth largest producer of coffee beans in the world, Indonesia places coffee as one of its leading plantation commodities. In 2019 until now, the value of coffee exports ranks as the fourth largest commodity in Indonesia. If this program's sustainability plan goes well, it is hoped that partners will be able to utilize the innovative technology that has been provided independently, increase harvest yields and be able to sell and distribute the harvest and even export to Malaysia. The activity will be carried out until December 2024. This activity will be carried out in Kab. Karo. The concept of knowledge and technology transfer carried out in this activity is divided into three stages. The first stage is the preparation of activities, the stage of implementation of coaching activities and evaluation of activities.Based on the results of visits and interactions with partners, it shows that there are 3 problems as previously described. then the programs and solutions offered to solve the problems faced by these partners are:The problem faced by Megara Coffee partners is that the very small sales results are caused by farmers directly selling the coffee logs to middlemen, because coffee processing activities are expensive.Megara Coffee and Warung Dayac do not yet have adequate processing technology and have done it semi-conventionally for post-harvest activities, namely with the help of a small huller machine with a capacity of 10 kg/hour.&nbsp;</span><span lang="EN-US">Increase in partner production up to 100% and partner product packaging becomes export standardization.</span></p> </div> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Rezha Destiadi, Annalisa Sonaria Hasibuan, Muhammad Anhar Pulungan, Nofriadi, Andi Supriadi Chan Penerapan Inovasi Dalam Penguatan Pasar Melalui Digital Visual Branding dan Peningkatan Produksi Sari Lemon Yoeni 2024-12-23T09:57:58+00:00 Annalisa Sonaria Hasibuan Rezha Destiadi Muhammad Anhar Pulungan Andi Supriadi Chan <p><em>Sari Lemon Yoeni is a lemon juice drink located in the city of Medan which is used as an ingredient in other drinks, such as coffee, tea and other drinks that are usually served in coffee shops and restaurants. However, there are several obstacles faced by partners related to production, promotion, product branding, and packaging. The purpose of this activity is to transfer knowledge and technology to partners in an effort to improve product branding, production, promotion and product packaging, which is carried out in this activity is divided into three stages. The first stage of activity preparation, the stage of implementing coaching activities and evaluating activities. Activities will be carried out until December 2024. Based on the results of visits and interactions with partners, it shows that there are several problems as described previously. So the program and solution offered to solve the problems faced by these partners is to provide expertise training in digital content usage techniques as a means of promotion and marketing of lemon products, product packaging that is in accordance with Basic Standards and needs so that it can be used for packaging sales of lemon juice production results and understanding and registration of trademarks for products so that they can be sold in North Sumatra. The steady increase in production to 60 bottles/production and repackaging of the product is better than before so that it can compete in the market, and partners understand the importance of marketing using social media and e-commerce in increasing sales of Yoeni lemon juice products.</em></p> <p> </p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Annalisa Sonaria Hasibuan, Rezha Destiadi, Muhammad Anhar Pulungan, Andi Supriadi Chan Sekolah Hijau: Inovasi Single Axis Solar Tracking System Dengan Sensor LDR Sebagai Alternatif Energi Listrik 2024-10-11T10:40:50+00:00 Tania Alda Martin Paulido Siahaan Marco Bambang Raja Guk Guk Rosianna Rajagukguk Erida Carolina Br Purba Putri Adelina Sitompul <p><em>Indonesia as a tropical country has enormous potential to develop renewable energy with the help of technological advances to produce and develop more environmentally friendly energy. Because it is clean without waste gas and has few moving components, the use of solar cells or sunlight is very popular and is one way to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Schools that lack electrical power for teaching and learning activities can apply one of these methods of using solar energy. The partner of our service is the Dharma Pala Medan Private Elementary School, with a total of 38 students and a total of 6 teachers. The methods/stages of activities include partner surveys, program planning, outreach, designing and assembling a solar tracking system, equipment installation, partner education, and gradual program evaluation. The method used for data collection was interviews with teachers and students. The intensity of lighting in learning has a close relationship with eye fatigue so that it will interfere with learning concentration which will have an impact on students' interest in learning. Environmental factors such as lighting can have a positive and significant impact on a person's level of boredom</em></p> 2025-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Tania Alda, Martin Paulido Siahaan, Marco Bambang Raja Guk Guk, Rosianna Rajagukguk, Erida Carolina Br Purba, Putri Adelina Sitompul